The day after our D-Day tour, we had planned to go to Honfleur as a day trip because I had been there before and absolutely loved it. When the day came, neither of us really felt like going through the hassle of a three hour trip mixing bus and train with limited schedules, so that day we explored a bit more of Bayeux and went to Arromanches instead. Arromanches is probably about 10 km away from Bayeux towards the coast and is off of Gold Beach (one of the British fronts). It's a lovely little town. Here, it can be seen from above:
That day was one of the first nice, warm days that we'd had in France since Reed got here so we mostly strolled around by the beach and had some ice cream.
There were also still remnants from D-Day. We saw what looked like giant cement things in the water that were used to offload cargo that day.
After we got back from Arromanches, we decided that we might as well see the Bayeux tapestry since we were, after all, in Bayeux. I really had no idea what the tapestry would be like. To be honest, I expected to see a giant rug hanging on a wall and it didn't seem too exciting to me, but it was actually really cool. It was not at all a giant rug, but a really really really really long piece of intricately embroidered cloth that ran all the way around an entire room, telling the story of William the Conquerer. They gave us headsets to explain what we were seeing on each panel. It was really interesting and brought back memories from my History 201 class that I had freshman year. I imagine that the tapestry often gets overlooked because people come to Bayeux to learn about the events of WWII and completely forget the Normandy has a very famous history that goes back much further. Anyway, Reed loved the tapestry. As far into our trip as we are, he still says it was the best, and he bought a few books to learn more about it. We weren't allowed to take pictures but if anyone is interested, there is a website that tells about it:
That was all for Normandy; stay tuned for Paris coming soon!