Friday, April 30, 2010

Family visits! (part 1)

About two days after the Cables left me, my parents and grandparents arrived.  They got here on Monday around lunchtime and we wandered around Chambéry for a bit.  This is my parents and me on the street where I live.
This is my dad, grandma, grandpa, and me facing the other direction of the street.
We went shopping and I got a super cute dress!  Then we headed to Bourget-du-Lac to see their hotel.  It was right on the lake.  I hadn't been this close to it before.
We went to a café there, where everybody had a drink.  Mine was a chocolat chaud (hot chocolate) and it was really good since it was kind of chilly that day.  After that, my grandparents, suffering from jet lag, decided to go to bed and my parents and I headed back to Chambéry to find dinner.  Since it was a Monday, most places were closed but we ended up heading to the Café du Théâtre where my mom and I had crèpes and my dad had a quiche.  Then they took me back home along with the macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, and reese's (precious commodities in France) that they'd brought me.

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