Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mountain Hike

Today, I decided to go on a hike to explore more of Chambéry (and to justify the pain au chocolat that I had for breakfast this morning). Typically, whenever I go somewhere, I go the same direction (towards the elephants). Today I decided to go in a different direction from my dorm and see where it took me. I walked for a bit and then I came to a staircase, which I remembered Hal had told me about. He said he'd found some nature trails up there so I decided to head up.
When I got to the top, I found some signs that told me I was going towards the house of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (a philosopher that influenced the French Revolution). I kept following the signs and I kept going higher and higher. I never actually found his house, but I did find some unspeakably beautiful views (and so I will let them speak (mostly) for themselves).
Above the city:
At the top of the first stairway:
A rest stop along the way:

my favorite mountain, of course a cloud was covering the tip the whole time I was up there

a snowy meadow-type area where I could see all of the taller mountains all around me:

my favorite mountain again:


  1. Haley, you're going to have really nice legs from all those stairs! Sounds like you're having a lot of fun, I'm jealous!


  2. After walking all those stairs I would have treated myself to another pain au chocolat! :)

  3. Awesome pictures, Haley. Can't wait to come over and see it all in person.

  4. Wait, you usually walk toward the elephants??

  5. I'm glad I discovered your blog. Thanks to Lori B. via Ali. I will enjoy following you in France.

    Lori S.
