Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Lately, I haven't really done that much except try to get things all set up with school and classes. It is very frustrating and later I'll have a post about it.
Last night, I went out to dinner with some girls on my floor. It was at a restaurant with about 30 or more other study abroad students but it was a goodbye party, so many of them are leaving in the coming weeks as they were first semester students. It was really fun. We basically had a whole room to ourselves and I met a lot of people. There are a lot of British people here.
The restaurant served traditional Savoyard dishes: Fondue and Raclette. I shared fondue with two of the girls in the dorm who are staying here for the whole year, Sondra and Megan.
I actually really liked the fondue. It came with a salad that was pretty good and then some bread and meat to be dipped into the cheese. I didn't have any of the meat but the bread was good.

Some other people there had Raclette. Basically for that, they put a giant contraption right near your table that slowly melts a half of a wheel of cheese and it was a big wheel, probably like 8 inches in diameter. Then (and this is eaten by a group of people), people scrape off the melted cheese and put it on little potatoes with a bunch of other toppings they give you to put on it including some variety of little pickles called gherkins which I think is a funny word. After dinner one of the guys played guitar and everybody chatted for a bit. As is typical in France, it was a very long dinner. We got there around 8pm and we didn't end up leaving until 11pm, but it was a lot of fun and I'm glad that I got to go.

Oh! I also took more pictures of my favorite mountain on my way to the edge of town. I found out that it has a large cross on the top of it called the Croix du Nivolet

This is the picture that I took

This is the zoomed in version
P.S. I've been trying to get a tour of my room up but I've been having difficulties, so hopefully expect to see something like that soon! :)


  1. I always loved people commenting on my blog, so I am going to comment on yours :)! LOVE that mountain - even more so that it has a cross on it.

    P.S. TOTALLY jealous of the melting cheese wheels and potatoes....

  2. thanks alex! I love comments! :) :) :)

  3. You never comment on mine... but then again, I haven't updated in quite a while. Anywhoo, France looks amazing. It's really gutsy, what you're doing. I hope you know that. And I love your mountain :)

  4. Ali why is your name Trivial. At first I was like do I even know this person lol. and thank you (and you really haven't updated in awhile so you should hop to it)
